Photography and photographers are a big part of Kids Modeling Magazine. So if you are a photographer and would like to join us as Listed Photographer with KMM read on :)
To become a Listed Photographer with KMM you will first have to pay a fee. This fee (for 2012) is $10 for 6 month Photography Listing and $20 for 1 year Photography Listing with KMM. All payments to be send to
Listed Photographers can promote on our wall, participate in magazine with photos if choosen or write articles for KMM. We are looking for photographers to write an article about photography for each issue so if you are interested send email our way. And tell us a little about what kind of article you would like to write for Kids Modeling Magazine.
Since our readers are parents, boutique owners, families, modeling agencies, photographers and others ads in Kids Modeling Magazine can be a great promotion for any photographer. Check here to see how you can advertise in Kids Modeling Magazine
Kids Modeling Magazine